Monday, November 16, 2009

My sister does it, why can't I?

Please take note before reading any of my posts that I was not a wiz in English. That is my sister. I was the number cruncher. I pre-apologize for any gramatical, spelling or other mistake I will make in any posts.

This Sunday is my first marathon. I will be running the Philadelphia Marathon with my husband. When I say running, I mean jogging. When I say jogging, I mean jogging and walking. Regardless of how I do it, I will complete the 26.2 mile race.

My goal was ambitious at first. I had every intention of completing this, my first marathon, in less than 4.5 hours. Training was going smoothly despite the groans and mutterings directed towards me before each run. We were cruising along and then came swine flu. Now don't get all bummed out for me. Neither of us had it that badly but the timing caused us to miss 2 big runs (15 & 14milers). That was the end. I knew it right then and there that the training would never resume to what it should be. Since that fateful week the longest run I have done was 11 miles. I still was running at least 4 times a week but nothing that was really preparing me for the race.

So, here we are. 6 days away. 6 days until my left knee falls apart. 6 days until my hamstrings tighten so badly I can't straighten my legs. 6 days until I can say I "ran" a full marathon.

6 days.

1 comment:

  1. Did my other comment not post? I told you to be careful and wished you good luck... at least, I meant to. I'm proud of you already.
